Instruflow is an expert in the supply, installation, calibration, maintenance and repair of all kinds of mass flow meters and controllers for gases as well as liquids. Instruflow has a large installed base across Australia and New Zealand for various brands and kinds of MFCs and MFMs.
MFCs to rapidly reach setpoints to maintain stable control of mass flow, volumetric flow, or pressure for 98+ gases from 0.01% to 100% of full scale
MFCs to control gas or liquid flows even when the fluid composition is changing or unknown, for pressures up to 4,000 PSIA (275 barA).
Mass flow controllers to measure and control the flow of 128+ gases, including 32 corrosive gases for hazardous applications.
Mass flow controllers to control flow when there is little available system pressure, with pressure drops as low as 0.07 PSID (4.8 mbar)
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