Instruflow manufactures a wide range of high pressure reactors and autoclaves for a variety of applications. These stirred reactor systems have a profound significance in research and development applications where high temperature and high pressure is a prerequisite for effecting or enhancing a reaction process.
Salient features of these pressure reactors are as follows:
These reactor systems are used for the following purposes:
High pressure high temperature stirred pressure reactors upto 350 bar 500째C.Designed as per ASME Section VIII with Worksafe registration
2/4/6/8 reactors mounted in series and/or parallel on common skid. With Australian certification and IEC Ex protection for hazardous environment.
Pressure vessels upto 700 bar and 600°C without stirring. Designed as per ASME Section VIII Div 1/2 with U stamp marking optionally.
Magnetic drives, agitators and couplings with/without motor for high pressure and full vacuum. Zero lekage guarantee. Options for IEC Ex motor.
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